A Guide to “Boxing Photographs”

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By FredrickHobbs

A Guide to “Boxing Photographs”

Photo of author

By FredrickHobbs

After having shot a few boxing photographs matches, you will find that the obstacles are very different from traditional sporting events. You can choose from an informal tent or an elegant auditorium. Lighting can also vary; flashes are not allowed during fights. This creates a major obstacle that must be overcome.

It is difficult to shoot up into the lights. There is no standard arenas or promoters use to determine how high the lights should be above the rings. The lights might be higher if the arena is very steep. However, you can discard a lot of frames and work on others to reduce lens flare. To combat flare, remove all filters.

Boxing photographs wear protective headgear 

when fighting in non-professional bouts such as the Golden Gloves. You should be careful about your exposure. If they look down or cover up, their face may disappear behind the arms or under the headgear.

You will attract the ire from the high rollers, regardless of your ring height or how tall you are. They will tell you about the amount they paid and how you got a press pass to prove it. It’s all part of the game. Be prepared.

It is essential to have the right equipment at your side. While it is a good idea to travel light, be ready for anything. Two cameras are used to capture boxing photographs. One camera is a f/2.8 24-70mm lens for the ringside, and the other is a 70-200mm lens for fighters entering the ring or working in the corner. You don’t need to bring too much. Sometimes you can store things under the ring.

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The best way to switch between prime and zoom lenses is flipping between them. A prime lens with f/1.2 or more contrast, such as a fast prime lens, is less likely to flare than a zoom. Keep a wide angle handy, such as around your neck or on the shoulder. Be ready for a fight if it happens, even if it is right in front. The zooms are certainly more versatile, so bring both. Flare can also be used.

Sometimes, it is best to sit higher when the ringside lights dim. However, boxing photographs tend to look identical due to the distance and angle. Ringside photographs of boxing tend to be intimater and more “in your faces” than those taken overhead.